Choice is ours - We can choose to see solutions, where problems are - 

Just because we can't see a solution for our problems it does not mean that it does not exist. If we tell ourself that there is no way to expand our personality, family relationship, professional life, we focus on the problem instead of the solution. We can use our mind to help us gain answers and solutions, or we can use the same mind to come up with unlimited problems. The choice is always there, and the choice is always ours forever.

When we want to buy something, we go for the lowest price. When we buy, we start thinking of different ways to cut back on expenses so that we can save few rupees. We think of cutting back here and there to manage our money. To think this way is our choice, we can choose to think differently to figure out a way to keep what we have and earn more money to buy what you want. We can think of more money coming to us. We can choose to think cutting here and there or earning more money; choice is ours. 

When we think of setbacks, things not happening the way we want, we have a choice to think how to make things happen. To think of a problem or to think of a solution is our choice; we get what we choose.  


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